Actor Faysal Quraishi has apologised for hurting the sentiments of the legal community in his HUM TV drama Zulm after the Karachi Bar Association issued an official statement condemning the drama and demanding an apology from him and HUM TV owner Sultana Siddiqui.
Zulm is described by HUM TV as a “thrilling saga of continuous battle against injustice and power”. Quraishi stars alongside Sahar Hashmi and Shehzad Sheikh as a powerful but morally corrupt man who uses his position to punish a young woman who rejects him.
“The Cabinet of the Karachi Bar Association has been informed via HUM TV about the drama Zulm, where [Faysal Quraishi] used inappropriate language against the
legal fraternity, which is deeply contemptuous,” read the statement issued by the lawyers’ association on April 20 and co-signed by General Secretary Ikhtiar Ali Channa and Human Rights Committee Chairman Zahid Hussain Soomro. “Consequently, the Karachi Bar Association demands an apology from Mr [Faysal Quraishi] and urges the owner of HUM TV to tender it at the Karachi Bar Association promptly, as the reputation of the legal fraternity has been adversely affected.”